Teacher of the Year and Staff of the Year: recognizing excellence
FeaturesProfile Features January 20, 2024 Admin

In the world of education, the importance of a school lies in the dedication and passion of its educators. Each year, the titles of teacher of the year and staff of the year are awarded to individuals who exemplify excellence, by going above and beyond their commitment, to not only shape young minds but also demonstrate a positive attitude in their work environment and be recognized for their hard work.
With that said, this year the proud teacher of the year is Melissa Megna, and the proud Staff of the year, Carlos Cabrera. Ms. Megna is the testing coordinator as well as the AP coordinator at CCHS and Carlos Cabrera is a janitor.
As the testing and AP coordinator, Ms. Megna coordinates all of the testing, such as the Florida Department of Education or EOCS, organizes retake exams for kids who haven’t met graduation requirements, and schedules testing at the end of the year.
“During the PAST my test ticket was missing, and they sent me down to guidance to talk to Ms. Megna to get it fixed,” sophomore Victoria Recht said. “She worked so quickly, like nothing was in her way, just to fix my issue, she focused and did everything in her power to allow me to take the test on time, and not only that but she did it all unphased and calmly.”
Not only does Ms. Megna get her job done flawlessly, but she also shows an amazing attitude towards not only her students and staff but everyone around her.
“During my freshman year I was unsure If I wanted to go for my AICE diploma, but I spoke with Ms. Megna about it, and she explained thoroughly what it takes, and it helped significantly to make up my mind,” sophomore Mia Weltman said.
“I’m absolutely honored to represent Cooper City High, and the faculty here every day,” Megna said, “I enjoy your guys success the most, and seeing when you graduate.”
As equally deserving as teacher of the year is staff of the year. Which was awarded to Carlos Cabrera, one of the janitors at CCHS. He works just as hard, as he is more behind the scenes, cleaning up around campus.
“I see him almost every day at lunch cleaning up or sweeping,” sophomore Elise Tubito said, “He’s always smiling, I feel like staff of the year was well deserved for him”
Whether that’s at lunch, around the courtyard or anywhere, he is always effectively getting his job done.
“I feel very good and very happy about getting staff of the year,” Cabrera said. “I enjoy everything about this job.”