The Lariat is the newspaper of Cooper City High School in South Florida. We are entirely student run and are dedicated to giving students a voice. We believe that the skills learned in journalism go far beyond reporting and into life, giving staff members the tools they need to make positive change in the world.

Like any publication, The Lariat has guidelines and procedures that must be followed to ensure quality content.


Factual errors

While we try our hardest to find multiple reliable sources and fact check information, we understand that sometimes errors slip through in the editing process. As part of our goal to stay accountable our readership, any complaints about factual errors may be directed to our contact us page, which has a form that allows for a direct message. All incidents will be investigated and the proper action will be taken.


 If you or someone you know has been misquoted by The Lariat, whether in a minor or major fashion, you can also direct the complaint to the contact us page.

Quality content

Furthermore, The Lariat is dedicated to making sure that readers gain something from our articles. We take measures to ensure that our writers and photographers are constructing information in the most honest and truthful way possible. All articles go through an intense editing cycle, and all articles will have at least three rounds of edits before being published in print or online. While our online site is aimed at producing quicker, more accessible content, we do not compromise quality in doing so.

Editorial policy

All articles marked “opinion” reflect the views of the author. All articles marked “editorial” reflect the views of the publication. Opinion articles that are deemed to be hate speech by multiple editors will not be published. While we believe in the right to free speech, we do not believe in the right to belittle, harm or marginalize others.

Ethical practices

The Lariat works to ensure that all material has a distinct purpose and journalistic integrity. In doing so, we welcome constant communication with our readers.

Purposeful content

All articles ought to add to a discourse that matters to our readers. Whether that’s simply informing readers about an upcoming club event or doing a more in-depth feature analysis on a larger issue, we try our best to ensure that all material is relevant to the student body of Cooper City High School.

Free speech

As journalists, we do believe fervently in the provisions of the first amendment. Due to the nature of our publication, though, we understand that there are limits that must and will be placed. The Lariat endorses truth and accountability – but despite its legality, The Lariat does not allow hate speech. The school environment should be safe and secure for everyone. In doing so, we believe that legitimate issue stances are important; however, we will never allow untruthful or malicious targeting of groups or individuals.

As always, we encourage readers to engage critically with our publication, be it print or online. Any questions, comments or concerns can be directed to us by email or our contact form.