Senior Zack Pollock Does The Bunny Hop For Kids At The Mall
FeaturesProfile Features April 20, 2012 Admin

The Boca Mall is packed on a busy Saturday afternoon, with the usual throngs of busy shoppers, rushing from store to store in preparation for the upcoming holiday. Easter is just around the corner and while people are in a hurry to get their shopping done, mall goers cannot help but stop and stare at the amusing spectacle that has unfolded before them. A giant Easter Bunny has begun dancing to the “Cha Cha Slide” right in the middle of the mall, and kids and adults alike cannot help but pause and smile at the energetic atmosphere that this giant rabbit has created.
As he dances and hugs the children around him, one can only wonder: who is this charismatic person willing to make a fool of himself for the enjoyment of others? This Easter Bunny is nothing other than Cooper City High School senior Zack Pollock, who while most of us were busy painting eggs and digging through our Easter baskets, was bringing joy to children as the imaginative Easter icon that we all know and love.
While most teenagers go to the mall to shop around the holiday time, Pollock came to the mall each day with one goal in mind: to make kids smile as he performed as the Easter Bunny. Pollock began playing the Easter Bunny after his mom was hired as the assistant manager at the Boca Mall. She wanted Pollock to work too and she petitioned to get her son a job at the mall.
“My mom wouldn’t accept the job unless the mall hired me too, so they decided to put me in the bunny suit,” Pollock said.
Playing the role of such an famous figure such as the Easter Bunny is no easy task. Pollock’s job is essentially the same as the characters that are seen at theme parks. He has to wear a three-piece bunny suit and sit in the mall like Santa Clause does every Christmas. Although he gets his picture taken with kids just like the man in the red suit, Santa has nothing on this bunny. Pollock goes above and beyond the call of duty, dancing and performing in the mall rather than just sitting on his tail. It is this extra enthusiasm for his job that makes the kids love Pollock so much.
“I love the smiles I put on people’s faces,” Pollock said. “When people see a big fluffy bunny waving at them and dancing, it brightens their day, and that makes the job worthwhile.”
Although Pollock loves being the Easter Bunny, all good things must come to an end. After all, after Easter is over, the Easter bunny disappears until the next year. Even though the job was only for two weeks, performing as this mythical creature has made an impact on the CCHS senior, and he hopes to continue fulfilling this role for years to come.
“If there needs to be a bunny, I’ll play it,” Pollock said. “I love my job, and I will continue to do it for as long as I’m needed.”