Rush Week: Student activities sign up has begun! Rush Week: Student activities sign up has begun!
BY ABBY GOLDBERG As the new school year begins, so do sports tryouts and a wide variety of clubs.  Rush week is a week-long... Rush Week: Student activities sign up has begun!


As the new school year begins, so do sports tryouts and a wide variety of clubs. 

Rush week is a week-long period of time where students have the opportunity to sign up or learn about any school-wide extracurriculars they’re thinking about joining this year. 

Throughout the first half of the week, during both A and B lunches, clubs and their officers are scattered around. They’re stationed with informational boards, sign up codes and sometimes even a sweet treat like candy.

“Rush week was such a great opportunity for students to see what amazing clubs [CCHS] has, and give Multicultural Club a chance to win over the student body,” senior Sophia Nesselroth said. “Multi definitely tried to stand out amongst all the hustle and bustle and I think our candy incentives and engaging game really drew a lot of CCHS kids in. I loved seeing kids trying to guess who led the civil rights movement and what month Peace Week is in and it was overall an amazing experience. We’re hoping this will lead the way to an awesome and engaging school year!” 

The second part of the week is reserved for sports team recruiting. Whether experienced or not, students have the opportunity to apply for various CCHS sports teams.

“I really like being on the swim team cause it’s lots of fun,” sophomore Jordan Le-vega said. “I’m so happy to be with my teammates again and can’t wait to meet the new recruits. The team is strong this season and I think we’re gonna have a great year.”

Joining a sports team is a great way to meet new people with similar interests. Every sport is unique and provides the chance to build relationships with friends and teachers or coaches. 

“Our team is very well bonded together like sisters,” senior Sheridan Bower-Hopler said.

“We consider each other siblings. Playing together and winning is an amazing feeling.” 

Additionally, rush week allows for many teacher sponsor, the chance to get involved and meet potential new members of their teams. For many of them, sports is about more than just the activity itself. 

“Sports is a venue for growing character for students,” wrestling team sponsor Scott Sodergren said. “Being on a team is a great place to make friends and a kind of camaraderie amongst people who are working hard for a goal. They grow in their character and that’s really what sports is all about. Wrestling in particular is a tough sport so it really challenges people and makes them grow in all sorts of ways.” 

For both new and returning students, rush week is the perfect high energy event to get everyone even more excited for the year. While returning members of teams and clubs get the chance to reunite and continue staying involved, new students, of any grades, get to decide what new activities they want to look into. Exploring the tables during Rush week is an experience all CCHS students should have before graduating.