CCHS Boys Volleyball: Cowboys Defeated But Still Heading To Districts
SportsVolleyball May 3, 2011 Admin

On Wednesday, April 27th, the Cooper City High School boys’ volleyball team faced off against the Coral Glades Jaguars in a game that the Cowboys lost 0-3.
Going into the first game, the Cowboys were down by one point with the Jaguars serving. After an impressive series of volleys, spikes, and blocks by the Cowboys, the game went into their first timeout with the score being 10-18 in favor of the Jaguars. Coming out of the timeout, the Jaguars played with impressive pace and skill, beating the Cowboys 17-25. Senior Steve Worrell and freshman Dan Heintz gained most of the defensive points with impressive blocks.
The second game started much like the first game with the Jaguars scoring the first point. The Cowboys put up a relentless effort with a series of volleys that ended with a score of 2-6 favoring the Jaguars. The Cowboys picked it up with an outstanding spike by senior Alex Carvajal making the score 3-9. The Jaguars dominated another set of volleys with the outcome being 7-16. An unrelenting effort by the Jaguars made the score 14-25 to wrap up the game with the Jaguars in the lead by 0-2.
Entering the third game, the Cowboys changed the pace by scoring the first point. Unfortunately, the Jaguars came back and outscored Cowboys 4-7. Going into the second timeout of the game, Worrell made an impressive spike, with the score of 6-10. After yet another set of aggressive volleys, the Jaguars took over the game with the score of 12-23. In the final play of the game, the Jaguars performed an untouchable spike, ending the match with a score of 14-25, the Cowboys losing the match 3-0 . However, they will still advance to the district playoffs on Wednesday, May 3.