Cooper City’s Pageant Princess
BY HAILEE YAEGER Family and friends are seated in Bailey Concert Hall holding huge signs of support for various contestants, waiting eagerly for the Miss Florida Teen USA pageant to begin. Suddenly the chatter dies down as a curtain drops to reveal some of the fifty-seven girls, all wearing... Read more
Freshman Sabrina Victor Orchestrates Musical Success
BY JACKIE WEISER In a generation where more people are trying to make a name for themselves as rappers or DJ’s, classical music seems to have lost its appeal. However, it’s a vital part of freshman Sabrina Victor’s life. It all began six years ago when she first picked up... Read more
Service Without Borders: Camille Traslavina Helps Children In Africa
BY SARAH ROUSSELL Ever since she was little, Cooper City High School junior Camille Traslavina has always had a fascination with the outside world. Instead of fantasizing about fairytale lands and princesses, like most little girls her age, Traslavina dreamt about traveling the world and visiting exotic countries. The... Read more
The Twirl Girl: Senior Ashley Bishop Takes Baton Twirling To A New Level
BY RACHEL SHARPE At high school football games, baton twirlers often get lost between the rhythmic noise of the band and the hollering of the cheerleaders. But senior Ashley Bishop doesn’t need a band to make noise. Bishop’s ability to create seamless routines combining elements of dance and gymnastics... Read more
CCHS Senior Sees Her Name In Lights
BY BLUE KAUFMAN Acting is a competitive profession to break into. It requires patience, luck and an ability to withstand constant rejection. Despite the hardships, one Cooper City High School senior is determined to make her way to the red carpet. With some experience already on her resume, Aiyana... Read more
Students Take Summer Seriously
BY SARAH ROUSSELL When the school year comes to a close and summer rolls in, there is always that exhilarating feeling of knowing that the next two months are completely open to the endless possibilities of “whatever you want” activities. Whether it’s lazy days spent poolside, going to the... Read more
CCHS Teacher Gets A “Sharp” New Look
BY SYDNEY ALTMAN Our society is fascinated with fashion, entertainment, and reality television.  All three of these obsessions combine effortlessly in series such as How Do I Look or Extreme Makeover.  Though these makeover shows may seem superficial on the outside, they actually provide hope, growth, and confidence for... Read more
The Sound Of Pride Take The Stage One Last Time For Encore!
BY SARAH ROUSSELL A wave of silence falls upon an excited audience as the lights of Cooper City High School’s auditorium fade. The auditorium is soon brought to life as the musicians of CCHS’s Sound of Pride wind ensemble begin to play. Starting from the very back of the... Read more
Cooper City’s Cake Boss
  BY KAYLA LOKEINSKY In a flurry of flour, clad in her chef hat, the young baker whisks her creamy confection in the midst of a culinary battle. Her hands move at lightning speed, kneading dough with nimble fingers, hardly pausing as she moves from one kitchen task to... Read more
An American In Paris
BY ROBYN BONFIGLIO Day 1 Only a single day has passed and everything I have seen has exceeded my expectations. A few weeks ago, I found out I was going to Paris and a few different places in Spain with my grandparents and my aunt. Along with a view... Read more