Jazz Band Hits The Right Note
BY LOUIS DENNIN At the end of January the CCHS Jazz Band held their first meeting of the year, ready to kick off a new season of jazz music and prepare for the Florida Bandmasters Association (FBA) festival, where the ensemble will be heard and rated by judges. As... Read more
All Of CCHS Is A Stage For Senior Nate Promkul
BY RACHEL SHARPE Nate Promkul walks on stage for the senior Variety Show, strikes a chord on his guitar and leans into the microphone. On hearing the first, gentle note, the crowd erupts into cheers and applause. With undoubtedly one of the sweetest and most soulful voices at CCHS,... Read more
State Of The Art: AP Art Students Excel Creatively And Academically
BY STACEY PASTERNAK More likely than not, you’ve heard of AP classes. CCHS students take many of these college-level classes each and every year. But one of these AP classes is not like the others. AP art, taught by Ms. Katherine Sharp, is a rare AP class, taken only... Read more
Top Chefs: CCHS Foodies Hone Their Skills In The Culinary Club
BY STACEY PASTERNAK Looking into the four kitchens of Ms. Braman’s and Ms. Daniels’s early childcare rooms on a regular school day, one would think they’ve just entered a ghost town. After all, we haven’t had cooking classes here at CCHS in a long time, so why not get... Read more
Louis Bremser Takes His Love Of Politics To The Next Level
BY A.J. KURZMAN After growing up with aspirations of being a politician, Cooper City High School Senior Louis Bremser got a taste of the job over the summer.  Bremser was fortunate enough to be elected the 69th Governor of Florida American Legion Boys State in Tallahassee, Florida.  Bremser was... Read more
To Study And Serve: CCHS Seniors Take Aim At Getting Into Military Academies
BY JESSICA WEAVER Around this time each year, high school seniors find themselves over stressed and anxious due to the college application process. Rushing to get last minute recommendation letters and acceptable SAT scores, they find themselves dreading the schools they were once so excited to apply to. But... Read more
All Around The World: CCHS Welcomes Students From Other Countries
BY STACEY PASTERNAK The Canary Islands, or the Canaries, are one of Spain’s 17 self-governing communities and come in the form of 13 islands. They are very popular among tourists because of their beautiful climate and natural swimming pools, and are home to the third largest volcano in the... Read more
Behind The Scenes Of CTV
BY OLIVIA PASCALE-WONG CTV is one of CCHS’s most recognized programs with a reputation larger than the student body itself. Though the short 2 minute segments may seem like a piece of cake, there’s a lot more that goes into each show, behind the lenses of the familiar camera.... Read more
Scott Palmer Reaches Above The Rim For The Cowboys
BY JACOB FIERMAN You can’t coach height, but you can coach talent. This statement holds true for Senior Scott Palmer, who may not be the tallest man on the basketball court, but makes up for it with his skill. With an incredible vertical leap, great scoring ability, and amazing... Read more
The Cowboy Commissioner
BY ANASTASIA PAVLINSKAYA I sit with a lump in my throat in a cold plastic chair, surrounded by some of Cooper City’s most well known personalities and I cannot wait for the moment that is ahead of me. Newly elected mayor Greg Ross suddenly calls my name, “…and reading... Read more