“In the Kromby house, with a knife!”: “Knives Out” is a movie mystery masterpiece “In the Kromby house, with a knife!”: “Knives Out” is a movie mystery masterpiece
BY ALEXANDRA SANSONE In the “whodunit” murder mystery film “Knives Out,” we know exactly who has done it, the murder of the beloved mystery... “In the Kromby house, with a knife!”: “Knives Out” is a movie mystery masterpiece


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In the “whodunit” murder mystery film “Knives Out,” we know exactly who has done it, the murder of the beloved mystery writing tycoon Harlan Thromby—or so we think. Harlan’s family seems to be more concerned with his money than they are with him, and in light of his death, it’s all they are capable of focusing on. But every character is hiding something in this film, and it becomes clear that there is much more to Harlan’s death than a cut-and-dry suicide.

“Knives Out” is a cinematic masterpiece; the camera keeps you focusing so hard on what is happening on one side of the room that you completely miss what is happening on the other. 

Every inch of the Thromby house setting was decorated with knick-knacks and artistic pieces. This crowding in the home, in addition to secret doors and trick windows, were successful in hiding the secrets that everyone in the house was intent on keeping concealed. When put together, the rooms create a maze that compliments the mystery narrative quite well.

Not only were the twists and turns that the film takes the audience on unexpected and well thought out, but the comedic moments were as well. Comedic elements were carefully placed to avoid bogging down “Knives Out” with excessive drama and cheesiness. Super serious characters are seen misbehaving as chaos ensues and watching them scramble for things to go back to normal is more than amusing to view. The smallest details like the use of a mug or a side comment took the film to the next level by giving both the film and the characters depth.

“Knives Out” is a cinematic masterpiece…

Actress Ana de Armas masterfully portrayed the innocent nature in the role of Marta Cabrera and was beautifully able to illustrate the anxiety her character was plagued with throughout the film. A goody-two-shoes, Cabrera is a chronic lie puker, meaning that she can’t lie without vomiting. This makes for an interesting dynamic as she tries to tell the smallest possible truths to avoid spilling her dark secret. 

Asides from the acting, the best aspect of the film was certainly its script, which allowed the actors to be great. The script was packed with quippy comments and humorous moments in addition to creative backstories and mysterious scenarios for the characters to find themselves in. The audience was kept on the edge of their seats the entire time in the best possible way. 

“Knives Out” was a perfectly crafted film. From the creative and entertaining script to the impressive and comical interpretation of the characters, it made for a movie that anyone could enjoy.

Photo courtesy of Medium

“Knives Out” is a new mystery “whodunit” film superbly written, produced and made for an engaging and entertaining watch.
  • Good comedic timing
  • Good portrayal of characters.
  • ...I’ll have to get back to you on that.

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