Dual opinion: Should cameras be mandatory during eLearning?
BY ELENA ASHBURN AND NICOLE NADLER A necessary evil: The case for cameras in class BY ELENA ASHBURN No student likes being on camera. It’s safe to say most Cowboys would prefer to be laying in bed in their pajamas instead of staring into the webcam on their laptop.... Read more
Dual opinion: Returning to campus versus staying remote
BY ADDISON ROBERTS AND CHRIS GOMES The case against school staying remote BY ADDISON ROBERTS As schools slowly begin to reopen and lockdown meets its end, there is a great ongoing debate about whether such action is appropriate or beneficial to the American people.  Broward County Public Schools (BCPS)... Read more
Dual opinion: The debate over doxing
BY NICOLE NADLER AND ELENA ASHBURN Amidst a global pandemic and rising social tensions, many people are utilizing the internet to advocate for change. Social media-centered activism is becoming increasingly more prevalent, and as more social movements take place digitally, doxing, or leaking someone’s personal information online, is becoming... Read more
Dual opinion: Should IDs on campus be mandatory for safety?
The recent tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School has devastated the country and brought the same questions to the mind of every mother, father and student: how safe are our schools? What can we do to make sure this never happens again? School administrators around the country have... Read more